CMSA Meeting Minutes - Mar 12, 2024
Tues March 12, 2024 1230-130pm
Present: Jennifer, Shiva, Lexyn, Khushi, Andrea, Alam, Genevieve, Maren, Maharshi, Kerry, Teresa
Regrets: Rafael
VP Communication - Lexyn
VP Academics - Alam, Shiva
Clerkship Information Session (hosted by UME and SAWH):
This talk was an introduction to clerkship, including discussion of the following topics: scheduling, rough timeline, core rotations, electives, expectations, CARMS
More sessions are to follow:
Elective Session
CARMS Session (led by Dr. Busche, Assistant Dean)
Clerkship Lottery Session (led by Mike Paget, Academic Technologies)
Unit 5 Summative Examination
Dr. Bromley has notified us that approximately 4-6 students did not complete the entirety of the test
The test will be graded as normal for all students
Printing of the tests going forward will be structured to avoid empty pages (and misunderstanding of when the test has finished or not)
Cards Speed
Mike Paget has mentioned there is a transition to a new database that will be taking place, should improve the speed of Cards
Have stressed to Mike Paget and the UME that should card outages/slower speeds persist, that will be considered a legitimate reason for exam deferral without improvements made
Competency Committee
Aim to provide students with a notification on the status of their progression through RIME at an earlier time frame for Block 2 and 3 compared to Block 1
Students have a few different forms of remediation
Students after completing remediation will be marked as completed, there is no notation on the MSPR
VP Finance - Jennifer
VP Events - Andrea + Teresa
MMI weekend:
It went well! Woohoo! Thank you to all of those who volunteered! (Including those who helped with the MMI video and down in the Anatomy lab)
Stethoscope ceremony:
Applied for AMA funding
Going to be the same location as last year
Getting refreshments for the event!
Rebranding it to CMSA’s Stethoscope Ceremony
Meeting with Dr. Bromley this week to discuss UME involvement
Working on dates of events (certain days work for certain people)
Med Gala, Stethoscope Ceremony, and Med Olympics are confirmed
Med gala:
There will be a sit down dinner!
Hopefully will be an event that rises awareness around a certain topic
Multicultural event:
Applied for AMA funding as well!
Reaching out to organizations in the community and on campus who can table, and professionals who can be speakers
VP Global Health - Genevieve
VP External (Provincial) - Maren
RF forum this weekend with 7 student delegates attending
AMA Student Initiative Grants closed March 10th with 26 applications
UofC applications include: PDoA, MDoA, AMSCAR (joint with UofA), Multiculturalism in Medicine, Stethoscope Ceremony
New advocacy committee has been created consisting solely of UofC and UofA medical students to increase AMAs media presence and amplify student voices surrounding challenges faced in Alberta’s healthcare system
Council Meeting March 6th-9th
Largely focused on building authentic relationships with Indigenous community partners
PDoA in April - Please fill out the following survey to inform student advocacy
Backgrounder is complete and we are currently working on recruiting speakers
Accommodations for student delegates are arranged
approx 20-25 UofC delegates signed up to attend tentatively
Submitted funding application to AMA student initiative grants
Next steps include engaging the media team and contacting MLAs for event day
Statement finalized for gender affirming care as a joint statement from UofA and UofC:
External Funding Committee has closed the last round of funding from the spinies budget with 5 applications received.
VP External (National) - Maharshi
Working with Maren and Sam to expand the budget for conference funding
For the first quarter of CMSA conference funding we got 5 applications. This will likely increase as we go further into the year.
Regular RRT meetings continuing - keep sending questions about how things work in other schools, and I’m happy to report back
Marking for Student Initiative Grants (SIGs) with Gen. We’re in the last round of marking.
Preparations for SGM
VP SAW - Khushi
Met with Dr. Bromley, SAW, and presidents regarding critical crisis policy
Working on memorial for student who died by suicide
Planning mental health awareness week
Monthly birthday parties
Clerkship session question and answer
WAR committee meetings
EDI table talk with Kerry
Helping with wellness incentives with the director of wellness
VP EDI - Kerry
Supporting Andrea on Stethoscope ceremony
Worked on the funding application with them
Working on multicultural event
Planning and organizing the committee, thank you to those of you who are interested in working on it!
Met with CSM community engagement team to talk about potential partners we can reach out to
Applied for AMA funding and submitted the form
Had a monthly EDI meeting with Dr. Gausvik
Organized a Table Talk with Dr. Gausvik that will focus on race, ethnicity, and culture that will be on March 19th at lunch
Please come! There’s gonna be a lot of great discussions
Met with Med Skills (Rainer) to discuss increasing SP Diversity with Dr. Gausvik and the community engagement team, slow start, but we should see movement on it over the next few months
Worked with UoA to finish the statement on gender-affirming care
President - Rafael
Meeting with Canadian Association of Latin Medical Students (CALMS) - February 18, 2024
Introductory meeting with other Latin medical students across Canada
Discussed updates and goals of the organization in the upcoming year
Bilbies Graduation Funding Update - February 22, 2024
The UME will be covering the $8,127 fine for the graduation venue issue!
Future graduation events will involve more active consultation between the UME and the CMSA
Meeting with George Mulvey (ATSSL Manager) - February 22, 2024
Orientation meeting for the MMI weekend anatomy lab tours
Meeting Jewish Students - February 23, 2024
Met with VP EDI K. Yang and a student representing a group of Jewish students in our class to discuss updates and concerns with a Calls to Action statement from the CMSA, as well as potential next steps
Meeting with Dr. Todd Anderson, Dr. Beverly Adams, and Dr. Lisa Welikovitch - February 26, 2024
Discussed updates regarding the CMSA statement on the Calls to Action, the art installation incident and next steps, potential collaboration in communicating to preceptors that have left teaching positions, and the mock accreditation visits
AMBOSS Class Discount - February 26, 2024
Got an extension for the 40% AMBOSS discount until February 26th, 2024
Got lots of great feedback from our class, and a lot of students signed up for the subscription!
AMBOSS will be running the offer again in July when the incoming first-years start classes
Canadian Federation of Medical Students - Marking for Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) Student Representative Jr. Position - February 28, 2024
Completed evaluation process for applicants to the CACMS Student Rep. Jr position
Meeting with Casta Latina - March 2, 2024
Discussed collaboration with CALMS in producing a series of videos to promote CALMS and show day-in-the-life videos of Latin medical students
Canadian Federation of Medical Students - Presidents’ Roundtable Meeting - March 2, 2024
No substantial CFMS updates at this time
Provided updates regarding UCalgary activities and discussed some challenges:
Statement on the Israel-Palestine conflict:
McMaster is in a similar situation, their MedSoc sent out a response to the push for a statement on a set of Calls to Action
UAlberta sent out a statement that focused on student support when the conflict escalated in the fall, but have not sent out another statement given the possibility of causing harm to students
UpToDate funding: there are a mix of funding models at different schools
McMaster: MedSoc pays for it
UAlberta: UME pays for half, MedSoc pays for half
Western: University of Windsor has a subscription so students at the Windsor campus get a subscription (but not students at the London Campus)
Dalhousie: Nova Scotia government pays for it so students have access as part of the hospitals, New Brunswick libraries pay for it for students at that campus
MMI Coffee Houses - March 1-2 & 8, 2024
Participated in MMI Coffee Houses to answer questions about UCalgary Medicine, the CMSA, and more!
MMI Anatomy Lab Tours - March 3, 2024
Participated in the MMI Anatomy Lab tour to inform applicants about the space and answer questions!
Meeting with Critical Incident Working Group - March 4, 2024
Was invited to a working group with Dr. Bromley and members of the SAW Office, as well as some of the upper-year CMSA council members and a group of nursing students to discuss ways to deal with critical incidents in the student population
Productive meeting—discussed strategies for improving communication with students and streamlining the response process for an incident involving a student (death, severe injury/illness, etc.)
Provincial Day of Action (PDoA) Training Meeting #1 - March 5, 2024
Discussed general information and timelines for the PDoA delegation and training teams
Previous Meeting Minutes Approval
2 minutes–Lexyn
Mover: Shiva
Seconder: Maren
Orientation Fee
2 minutes–Andrea & Teresa & Lexyn
To cover the costs of orientation events, we have been discussing adding a small orientation fee (~$20??)
The Financial Literacy Consultant for the incoming class is budgeting and wants to know if the CMSA fee will increase
CMSA Vote: 78% yes, 22% no (Maximum $20)
Q1 Dec 2023 - Mar 2024
2 minutes– Lexyn
Need to make this by the end of March!
Pls fill in everything you’ve done under your portfolio since Dec :)
This goes on the website!!!!
Communications Strategies
5 minutes– Lexyn
Dr. Bromley asked me to ask you and the class about more efficient ways we can communicate different opportunities with the class (as opposed to a flood of emails everyday)
Somewhere to access everything on Osler? Keep it all in the newsletter only?
Any ideas? Should I ask the class too?
Depends on the update
ie. clinical skills related information
exams and other very important things should be via email?
what is considered important?
notification on osler with a mark?
google drive folder with announcements?
having a place to store all the info
community folder linked to osler
announcements next to sign in sheets
announcements during small group times
intro session monday announcements
She wants ideas by next month
Vote on UofA/UofC statement on gender affirming care
5 minutes– Kerry & Maren
Please review statement here:
Vote to pass statement: 100% yes, as is
Discuss where to best distribute statement
Email to class listservs
AMA Student Advocacy Instagram
Emails (Lunks, Spinies, Bilbies) + Danielle
Pertinent Academic Updates
2 minutes - Shiva & Alam
Clerkship Information Session (future sessions to come)
Competency Committee with remediation
Cards outages and transfer to new database
Updates on Response to Palestinian Advocacy
10 minutes– Kerry & Rafael
Updates on what happened last meeting with CSM Leadership and current movements
Update on Critical Incident Policy
5-10 minutes - Khushi and Rafael
Run down of the meeting
Action Items
EVERYONE - do the Q1 by the end of March!!