CMSA Portfolios
Class of 2027
Carolyn Horwood
VP Academic (2)
Marissa Hsu
Adibba Adel
VP Events (2)
Michelle Makila
Oliver Little
VP Community and Global Health
Sanam Sekandary
VP External Affairs National
Michael Zarychta
VP External Affairs Provincial
Jake Thorsteinson
VP Operations and Finance
Jonah Feng
VP SAW (Student Advising and Wellness)
Yekta Sharafaddin-zadeh
VP EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion)
Debbie Okusanya
VP Communications
Ryan Dion
Elections Officer
Emily Au
Professionalism Committee (3)
Jordie Fraser
Simran Bains
Nabeel Khan
Alberta Medical Association Physician Family Support Program Rep
Alternating with UofA in 2024
Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta Rep (PARA)
Natalie Scime
Alberta College of Family Physicians Rep (ACFP)
Liv Taylor
Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee Rep (GAAC)
Ayshia Bailie
Federation of Medical Women of Canada Rep
Fajar Khan
College of Family Physicians of Canada Rep
Adam Guthrie
Anatomy Rep (2)
Matthew Topham
Abdul Al-Shawwa
Assessment Rep (2)
Robert Mayall
Rayna Anderson
Career Exploration Rep
Rayna Anderson
Clinical Skills Rep (3)
Connor Hass
Ellen Lewis
Simran Bains
Electives Rep
Emily Au
Indigenous Health Rep
Palak Patel
Pre-clerkship Block Representative (3)
Sarah Blayney
Sara Telles-Langdon
Katelyn du Plessis
Professional Role Rep (3)
Manav Batta
Holly Hnatiuk
Admissions Committee Representative (2)
Admissions File Reviewers (4)
Black Book Representative (2)
Abdul Al-Shawwa
Daphne Nahkid
Cards Representative (2)
Ryan Dion
Mitchell Chorney
Post-Graduate Medical Education Rep (2)
Palak Sharma
Kaileb Olson
Resident and Medical Student Appeals Committee Rep
Ali Bayrouti
Student Academic Review Committee Rep
Olivia Yung
Class Jersey Rep
McKayla Kirkpatrick
Director of Social Events (2)
Ayshia Bailie
Director of Athletics
Brady Duiker
Director of Orientation
Simran Bains
Event: Head Shave Fundraiser Rep
Event: Head Shave Representative
Event: Blood Drive Rep
Sarah Johns
Event: MMI Rep (3)
Sai Panidarapu
Palak Sharma
Farah Ali
Humanities in Health Care Committee Student Rep
Abeer Ahmed
IT Officer
Nabeel Khan
Ice Bowl Rep
Rock Your Locks Rep (2)
Kaiden Jobin
Katelyn du Plessis
Med Games Rep
Social Media Manager
Rida Mahmood
Thank you Card Rep
Taryn Stokowski
Yearbook Rep
Emily Au
Advocacy & Social Justice Committee (3)
Zuha Qureshi
Heba Mahmood
Rida Mahmood
Director of Community Outreach
Angela Faye Galeos
Global Health Advocate
Heba Mahmood
Local Exchange Office (2)
Anjalika Balasuriya
Local Officer of Environmental Health & Sustainability
Robert Mayall
Local Officer of Global Health Education (LOGHE)
Manav Batta
Local Officer of Indigenous Health (LOIH)
Local Office of Reproductive and Sexual Health (LORSH)
Simran Dhillon
Career Committee Representative (2)
Palak Sharma
Joshua Seto
Director of Student Groups
Ramya Sridhar
Director of Student Wellness
Farah Ali
Student Space Representative
Joshua Seto
We Care Committee Rep (5)
Priyanka Mungara
Angela Faye Galeos
Saania Zafar
Heba Mahmood
Fajar Khan
Previous Years
President: Rafael Sanguinetti ([email protected])
Elections Officer: Harasees Singh ([email protected])
VP Finance and Operations: Jennifer Wytsma ([email protected])
VP Academics:
Alam Randhawa ([email protected])
Shiva Ivaturi ([email protected])
Pre-Clerkship Representatives
Block Representatives:
Daniel Menesho ([email protected])
Janeen Derochie ([email protected])
Adam Bubelenyi ([email protected])
Indigenous Health Representative: Kristen Dyson ([email protected])
Clinical Skills Representatives:
Caroline Kokorudz ([email protected])
Claire Song ([email protected])
Mansimran Virk ([email protected])
Professional Role Representatives:
Braxton Phillips ([email protected])
Ali Babawani ([email protected])
Harasees Singh ([email protected])
Career Exploration Representative: Sydney Guderyan ([email protected])
Anatomy Representatives:
Priyanka Grewal ([email protected])
Harasees Singh ([email protected])
Assessment Representatives:
Daniel Menesho ([email protected])
Nojan Mannani ([email protected])
Electives Representative: Kate Fougere ([email protected])
Resident and Medical Student Appeals Committee Representative: Spencer Loewen ([email protected])
Post-Graduate Medical Education Representative: Juliette Eshleman ([email protected])
Black Book Representatives:
Daniel Menesho ([email protected])
Sonia Czyz ([email protected])
Cards Representatives:
Joweria Ekram ([email protected])
Brandon Azer ([email protected])
Humanities in Health Care Committee Representative: Robyn Mellett ([email protected])
Review Seminar Series Representative: Candace Chan ([email protected])
Clerkship Representatives
Family Medicine Representatives:
Anna Bobyn ([email protected])
Ethan Smith
Internal Medicine Representatives:
Tim Onofrychuk ([email protected])
Griffin Brunger ([email protected])
Anesthesia Representatives:
Rebecca Sugars ([email protected])
Rebecca Liedtke ([email protected])
Emergency Medicine Representatives:
Nojan Mannani ([email protected])
Annmarie Lang-Hodge ([email protected])
OB/GYN Representatives:
Janeen Derochie ([email protected])
Alam Randhawa ([email protected])
Pediatrics Representatives:
Juliette Eshleman ([email protected])
Lexyn Iliscupidez ([email protected])
Psychiatry Representatives:
Khushi Arora ([email protected])
Kristen Dyson ([email protected])
Surgery Representatives:
Jessica Hammal ([email protected])
Emma Mortimore ([email protected])
UCLIC Representatives:
Alyssa Groves ([email protected])
Brandon Azer ([email protected])
VP Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI): Kerry Yang ([email protected])
International Electives Representative: Julia Zebak ([email protected])
Professionalism Representatives:
Srivathsav Purushothaman ([email protected])
Mana Moshkforoush ([email protected])
Makayla Skrlac ([email protected])
External Affairs
VP External Affairs (Provincial): Maren Kimura ([email protected])
Alberta Medical Association (AMA) Representative: Undecided
Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta (PARA) Representative: George Tadros ([email protected])
Alberta College of Family Physicians (ACFP) Representative: Emily Cox ([email protected])
VP External Affairs (National): Maharshi Gandhi ([email protected])
Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee (GAAC): Vaneeza Moosa ([email protected])
Federation of Medical Women of Canada Representative: Kate Fougere ([email protected])
College of Family Physicians of Canada National Representative: Sunand Kannappan ([email protected])
VP Events:
Teresa-Chau Nguyen-Pham ([email protected])
Andrea Soumbasis ([email protected])
Med Show Representative: Undecided
Head Shave Representatives:
Tarannum Rahnuma ([email protected])
Rachel Wasserman ([email protected])
Blood Drive Representative: Mankirat Bhogal ([email protected])
MMI Representatives:
Punit Bhatt ([email protected])
Emma Mortimore ([email protected])
Director of Social Events:
Derek Zhang ([email protected])
Annmarie Lang-Hodge ([email protected])
Director of Athletics: Umberto Serghi ([email protected])
Yearbook Representative: Joweria Ekram ([email protected])
Class Jersey Representative: Julia Zebak ([email protected])
Thank You Card Representative: Megan Lee ([email protected])
Director of Orientation: Lexyn Iliscupidez ([email protected])
Ice Bowl Representative: Liam Fitzgerald ([email protected])
Med Games Representative: Emma Mortimore ([email protected])
Community and Global Health
VP Community and Global Health: Genevieve Pinnington ([email protected])
Global Health Advocate: Priyanka Grewal ([email protected])
Climate Change Officer: Maya Schimert ([email protected])
Local Officer of Reproductive and Sexual Health: Jenna Evanchuk ([email protected])
Local Officer of Global Health: Priyanka Grewal ([email protected])
Local Officer of Indigenous Health: Undecided
Director of Community Outreach: Maren Kimura ([email protected])
International Electives Representative: Julia Zebak ([email protected])
VP Student Advising & Wellness: Khushi Arora ([email protected])
Director of Wellness: Punit Virk ([email protected])
Director of Student Groups: Erin Tetreau ([email protected])
Student Space Representative: Orly Aziza ([email protected])
Career Committee:
Shiva Ivaturi ([email protected])
Riya Prajapati ([email protected])
We Care Committee:
Vaneeza Moosa ([email protected])
Megan Lee ([email protected])
Jenna Evanchuk ([email protected])
Emily Cox ([email protected])
Sophia Khan ([email protected])
VP Communications: Lexyn Iliscupidez ([email protected])
IT Officer: Joweria Ekram ([email protected])
Social Media Manager: Jessica Hammal ([email protected])